Making a bycocket / Att göra en Robin Hood-hatt

För ovanlighetens skull så inleder jag på Svenska.
Detta för att jag redan har skrivit om denna hatt och delat mönster och instruktioner på Medeltidsveckan på Gotlands facebooksida 🙂


Everybody is familiar with the classic bycocket, the hat that Robin Hood is wearing. The ”hunting hat” that you can find in many manuscripts with images about hunting.

I do agree with those that says that it is a hat made out of a felted fabric that is steemed and pulled over a mold to get it’s bellshape and then the brim is folded upp on just one side, which create the pointed shape.
Like this one that my husband is wearing here.
It is made by Amica Sundström from Historical Textiles

But – It is quite easy to sew one and get the same shape.

I have made two – but in different ways.
The first was just two pieces of fabric stitched together on the curved part.
Like this:

Well… to be honest, I did this twice and then stitched those two different hats together to achieve this:

If you look closely, you can se that the part on the right is a bit straighter than the part on the left and the peak is shifted a little bit back (to the left in the picture) thats just to achieve balance and get a longer ”nose” on the hat when you have it on. 

But I made a pattern that I believe is a good crossover betwen the two.


The blue arrow say ”your hat-measurement divided in two”.
And this is how I’m thinking when I am measuring for the pattern.:

The pattern above is made for one with about hatsize 56 cm. Every square measures 5 cm. Notice that the blue line is a bit above where you actually measures your hatsize. Therfore it is a bit smaller. Do a mocup before cutting in to your expensive fabric though 😉

About that – fabric. If you use a thick felted fabric, like something suitable for a cloak. Then you can sew with almost invisible stitches.
Like this:

The text says:
Blue dotted line = the fabrics core/weft.
The bended needle shows the way that the needle should take trough the fabric, but the needle is of course supposed to be straight when you are sewing 😉

Start by closing the small V-shapes on the crown, and then line up and sew the two halfs together.
I noticed that the underside got better than the side that I have up when I sew like this. You have to put the needle in just about where you got out to take the next stitch. You will go over the gap like a zigzag almost.
Here is some pictures of me sewing in this way so you perhaps can see for yourselves


And this is the back of the hat, you can se how it is curving in on top and giving you that round three-dimensional shape that you get from the pulled felted hat.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of it beeing worn. I had deleted the one where I tested it out. And it was a trade-of to a friends husband so I haven’t any pictures of him wearing it. I will ask for one if he is ok with me posting it here on the blog 🙂

If you want to make the hat taller or pointier on top or… well any changes on the crown. Just make certain that you leave the corners at 90 degrees so they will go together flat.

If you try this out – please show the resaults here in the comments 🙂

9 svar på ”Making a bycocket / Att göra en Robin Hood-hatt”

  1. Long time reader, first time commenter — so, thought I’d drop a comment..

    — and at the same time ask for a favor.

    Your wordpress site is very simplistic – hope you don’t mind
    me asking what theme you’re using? (and don’t mind if
    I steal it? :P)

    I just launched my small businesses site –also built in wordpress like yours– but the theme slows (!) the site down quite a bit.

    In case you have a minute, you can find it by searching for ”royal cbd” on Google (would appreciate
    any feedback)

    Keep up the good work– and take care of yourself during the coronavirus scare!


    1. My theme is called Twenty Seventeen 🙂
      I have edited out several parts on every page because I want it to be simple… 🙂

      Thank you for your comment and take care to you to

  2. Thanks for this post, it is the most helpful pattern i’ve found on the internet! I’m not sure if i’ve done the hat totally correctly but it looks ok I think.
    I have used thick felt (3mm) and I’m having some trouble getting it to lie flat when i bend up the brim but i’m going to probably put in some ’tacking’ stitches and try to flatten it under some heavy books 😀

    1. Thank you for your feedback.
      You can try to steam the hat after turning the brim up and then flatten in under something heavy, like books to set the form 🙂

  3. Thank you for this post! I’m making costumes for a school production of Shakespeare’s “The Winter’s Tale” and I’m trying to outfit the Bohemian shepherds. We’re setting the play in about 1200, to avoid making elaborate, Elizabethan costumes!

    I especially like the detail of the necklace your husband is wearing in the photo, I wanted to give some of the shepherds simple necklaces and that is a perfect inspiration.

    I also like your tip on how to make the top of the hat flat.

    So far, I’ve made a 2-ply, 2-color bycocket from polyester felt using a different pattern, but I’m going to try to hunt down old wool blazers at the thrift store, and try this pattern.

    1. Thank you for your feedback.
      I would love to see some pictures of the costumes when you are done 🙂
      Best of luck with the sewing

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